Installing borg

The installation process for borg is similar to that for other Python-based projects. Its installation involves three major steps, described in detail below:

  1. installing any missing system-level dependencies;
  2. installing virtualenv and creating an installation environment; and
  3. installing borg and its required Python dependencies.

These instructions assume a bash shell on a Linux system.

Installing system dependencies

A reasonably complete development environment is required to compile borg and its dependencies. That includes at least:

  • Python >= 2.6
  • compilers: gcc, gfortran, and g++
  • devel packages for
    • Python
    • linear algebra libraries: BLAS, LAPACK, and/or ATLAS

Most, if not all, of these packages are common dependencies, and should already be installed on a typical development machine.

Verifying Python >= 2.6

Make sure that you’re using a recent Python version by running:

$ python --version

and checking that it reports at least “Python 2.6”. Users on ancient platforms will likely need to install a local version of a more recent Python, as in the instructions for CentOS below.

Building Python on CentOS 5.4

CentOS 5.4, unfortunately, does not provide a modern version of Python. The recommended solution is to install one into a user-owned local directory, assumed to be ~/local in the instructions that follow.

Download, unpack, build, and install Python 2.6:

$ wget
$ tar jxvf Python-2.6.6.tar.bz2
$ cd Python-2.6.6
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/
$ make
$ make install

Add ~/local/bin to the beginning of your path:

$ export PATH=~/local/bin:$PATH

Note that compiling a full Python system may require additional system dependencies, e.g., development packages for ncurses and zlib.

Creating an installation environment

The recommended approach to installing borg and its dependencies is to do so inside a “virtualenv”, a self-contained local Python environment constructed with the virtualenv tool.

Obtaining virtualenv

The virtualenv tool may already be installed (try running “virtualenv” in your shell). If not, you may be able to install it using the system package manager. If you are using Ubuntu, for example, install it by performing:

$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

If your system package manager does not include it, or you do not have system root access, you will need to download and use a local copy according to the instructions in the virtualenv documentation.

Creating an environment

Start by creating a virtual environment (“virtualenv”) in some directory; we will assume ~/borg-venv:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/borg-venv

The --no-site-packages flag isolates the virtualenv from Python packages installed globally.

Using the environment

Next, “activate” the virtualenv to use its Python installation in the current shell session:

$ source ~/borg-venv/bin/activate

Running python with this environment activated will use the local interpreter ~/borg-venv/bin/python.


The rest of the documentation assumes that you are operating with this environment activated.

Leaving the environment

The virtualenv can be later deactivated with:

$ deactivate

Installing borg

We can now install borg and its dependencies into this environment.

Installing the numpy dependency

Due to limitations in Python packaging, the numpy package must be installed first. Use

$ pip install numpy

to download, compile, and install numpy in the local environment. This may take a few minutes.

Installing borg and other dependencies

You should now be able to run

$ pip install borg

to download and install the latest release of borg from PyPI, as well its dependencies.


Some of the borg dependencies, especially cython, numpy, scipy, and scikit-learn, are complex libraries that may take ten minutes or more to install from source using pip.

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